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研究 和 commentary from across LaSalle designed to provide investors with a deeper underst和ing of topics 和 trends affecting real estate.

ISA Briefing: In search of climate change wisdom

Senior strategist Jacques Gordon discusses how greenhouse gas emissions share a common ancestry with certain “miracle” products, 和 how – with time – we have come to underst和 their dangers 和 adapt.

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Our latest proprietary research considers a range of factors to uncover prime logistics locations – 和 opportunities to deploy capital – across 欧洲.

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在ISA焦点报道中, we explore how the combination of attractive pricing 和 the looming debt funding gap have made real estate debt an asset class of interest for institutional investors.

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在这份年中更新的年度展望中, 我们从2023年底开始重新审视我们的想法, discuss five themes we see driving real estate markets forward 和 seek to view the market as it is (not as we wish it to be).

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2023年3月13日 Disruption 和 conviction: 的见解 into value investing in 欧洲 Our insight report into value investing in 欧洲 highlights the importance of expertise 和 experience in investing in today’s real estate markets, which are characterised by an abundance of unmeasurable uncertainty over quantifiable risk.
2023年3月1日 ISA简报:中国重新开放 China’s return to pre-p和emic normality has meaningful implications for the economic 和 real estate outlook in China, 对亚太地区乃至世界的影响.
2023年2月28日 LaSalle develops Trí, Munich’s first timber office building Trí is designed to demonstrate the power of timber to deliver both environmental benefits 和 commercial value, with a much lower embodied carbon profile than conventional buildings 和 strong interest from occupiers.
2023年2月22日 A historic opportunity for 欧洲an real estate debt Alternative lenders are strongly positioned to make up the continent’s funding shortfall. 但融资是一个大问题, say participants in PERE’s roundtable discussion, 斯图尔特·沃森报道。
2023年2月15日 ISA Briefing: Energy back as key in real estate outcomes The recent dramatic but uneven volatility in energy prices has deeply influenced the economic 和 property market outlook 和 we expect it to continue.
2023年2月8日 Real estate’s flight to quality is bringing investors 和 occupiers closer The relationship between investors 和 occupiers has long been largely transactional, 有时甚至是敌对的. But it’s increasingly becoming one of cooperation 和 partnership.
2023年2月1日 人, Planet, Performance: 可持续性 in Focus Our 2022 sustainability review covers our environmental sustainability strategy 和 approach as well as how our actions can add value for investors 和 other stakeholders.
2022年12月29日 Private real estate appreciation moves negative as re-valuation starts
2022年12月6日 ISA展望2023 A Higher St和ard: Investors are asking more of real estate in several different directions all at once.
2022年12月1日 All in: Why diversity, equity 和 inclusion have gained central importance In this keynote interview with PERE on net zero’s responsibility 和 consequences, Darline Scelzo says employees want greater connectivity 和 a stronger sense of belonging.
2022年12月1日 The right mix: how to build a successful strategy The start of the grape harvest season calls to mind the similarities between winemaking 和 real estate.


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